Snow is all around
People don't usually think of Greece in terms of winter.
All too often, images of the sun, islands and sandy beaches come to mind when we think of Greece.
And yet, this is, unfortunately, an error on the part of the country's ministry of tourism, which has placed a greater emphasis on estival destinations than on the potential that the mountains of the country have to offer.
Greece has over 300 larger or smaller mountains spread across the nation. In fact, 80% of the country is mountainous, but few people are aware of this piece of statistical information. More than a dozen mountain ranges cover Greece's mainland, the two most important of which are the Pindus and the Rhodope mountain ranges.
On average, while driving along Greece's main highways, you will probably be able to see mountains ranging from 1000 to 2000 meters in height. It comes as no surprise therefore that winter in Greece can be quite harsh.
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